Our Process
Buckley & Wallace Executive Search operate a rigorous 39-step process.
From working with our client, obtaining a comprehensive Executive Assignment Briefing; to post-start interaction and managing unsuccessful candidates positively, Buckley & Wallace Executive Search ensure that every individual has the optimum experience.
This means that clients can have confidence that their image is positively supported throughout the process by us.
Research Capability
At Buckley & Wallace Executive Search, research is a key differentiator.
We believe it is often a critical but undervalued portion of the search process and have focused specifically on ensuring top-class capability.
Our team has nearly twenty man-years experience and is multi-lingual. Some have run their own research consultancies prior to joining us. This, coupled with regular training and competence reviews ensures we have the capability to deliver against the most demanding assignments.
We support candidates and clients. Clients take a personal risk when they commission a search. Our rigorous processes seek to mitigate that risk.
Whilst our processes are rigorous they are also tailored to the client, updating on progress and delivering feedback in line with the client needs. Demonstrating understanding of the brief by providing benchmark candidates if required; sample pitching the brief back to the client, if needed, so that clients can have confidence in our sale of them and their opportunity to candidates.
Our aim is a seamless process that entices clients to return for future searches because we are better than any other search company at giving them what they want. Not only excellent candidates but excellent experiences.
Buckley & Wallace Executive Search aim to deliver candidate shortlists within 4 – 6 weeks of taking the job order.